MONROE 287A Ionizer Performance Analyzer (USA)

  • 287A
  • MRA

MONROE 287A Ionizer Performance Analyzer


MONROE 287A Ionizer Performance Analyzer

Image result for MONROE - 287AImage result for MONROE - 287A

The model 287A is a low-cost and highly portable alternative to a charged-plate monitor for periodic verification of ionzer performance. It permits ionizer testing at the work location without the need to remove the ionizer from service for testing.
Manual or automated tests
Optional 6-inch plate attachment (Model 287/22C) achieves 1:1 correspondence with standard charged-plate monitor test results
Saves the test results for ten manual tests or ten automated test sequences including environmental data
Integral temperature and relative humidity sensors to capture environmental data during test
Test results correlate to standard tests performed using a charged-plate monitor in accordance with ESD Association standard S3.1
Intergrates decay timer lacking in ionizer test kits for fieldmeters


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