6 MHz Quartz Crystals TAN06IG Gold (USA)

  • TAN06IG

6 MHz Quartz Crystals TAN06IG Gold



6 MHz Quartz Crystals TAN06IG Gold

Physical Specification:
1) Material: Single Crystal Alpha Quartz, Unswept, Electronic Grade (Q>1E6)
2) Dimensions: 0.550” +. 000/­.002” OD
3) Contour: 2.5 ­3 diopter (212­177 mm radius of curvature) plano convex
4) Finish: 7 microns rms roughness plano and contour sides
5) No chips, scratches or etch marks within a 13.95 mm diameter clear aperture
6) Electrodes “Inficon” patterned gold with chromium underlayer
Electrical Specification:
1) Resonant Frequency: 5.980­5.989 MHz, fundamental series resonance
2) Resistance: <15 Ohms, plated
3) Contact Resistance: <10 Ohms edge to edge on pattern side
4) Spurious Modes: First Anharmonic >150 KHz above fundamental
1) No misaligned electrodes
2) No uneven coloration
3) No off­center patterns
4) No scratches, scuffs, or etch markings present
5) No chips or cracks

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